LScript User Guide
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The following sections either missed the printing of the LScript User Guide, or have been added to the LScript system since the manual was printed.

Inside LScript

The LScript Configuration File

The first time you execute LScript, it will create a private file that it will use to maintain information specific to its execution and that of its scripts. This file is called LSCRIPT.CFG, and will be created in the directory from where LScript is executed. Since LScript is hosted LightWave 3D, that usually means the same directory where Modeler and Layout maintain their configuration files (NewTek/Programs).

LScripts will use this file (albiet, indirectly) to house variable values that are saved using the store() and recall() functions. Along with these script-owned values, LScript maintains two of its own variables. The first, ScriptPath, is maintained by LScript to help it remember where you keep your scripts. The second, DefaultLib, is discussed next.

Specifying Default Libraries

By employing the library command directly in your LScript, you can import pre-built or commonly-used LScript user-defined procedures.

However, instead of having to duplicate often-used library directives in each script, LScript allows you to specify default LScript libraries to be loaded each time a script is executed. This is accomplished by adding a new entry in the LScript configuration file (LSCRIPT.CFG) called DefaultLib.

The contents of this variable are arranged much like an MS-DOS PATH variable. Each library entry you add to this variable needs to be separated from others using a semi-colon (;) character. Library file names can contain a path specification--and should if LScript cannot locate the file at execution-time. The DefaultLib entry needs to be added to the [LSCRIPT] area of the configuration file.


LScript Language Structure

LSPATH Environment Variable

The ONERROR Procedure

LScript provides script programmers a means of cleaning up their execution environment when a run-time error occurs. This is accomplished through the use of the ONERROR() command. If LScript detects that you have defined a procedure with this name, it will be automatically executed if a run-time error occurs.

If the autoerror pragma has been omitted from your script, run-time errors are defined as those that occur within the script itself (such as attempts to access uninitialized variables). However, errors that occur in Modeler-specific commands and functions during run-time will also qualify for this automatic cleanup if autoerror is selected.

The example script contains an illustration of the use of this command. The following code snippet is taken from that script:



        terminate(snID);    // shut down ScreamerNet
Because the ONERROR() command does not accept parameters, variables that you need to process at script shutdown need to be declared with global scope (outside any user-defined procedure or main()).

The ONEXIT Procedure

ONEXIT() is identical to ONERROR() in that it is an automatic command. However, ONEXIT(), if defined, will be called at script termination if no run-time errors occur. As with ONERROR(), this command does not accept parameters. Variables that you need to process at script exit need to be declared with global scope.

Built-In Features


The matchfiles() function returns an array of file names (including path) that match a specific MS-DOS file mask in the specified directory.
    var files[10];  // max of ten names
    files = matchfiles("\\","*.bat");  // get names of batch files in root directory


chdir() is one of three directory management functions LScript provides to the script programmer. Using this function, the "working" directory of an LScript can be altered from the directory in which the script was started. This command also returns a character string representing the current "working" directory of the script as a full path. This command can be handy for launching external processes that require a specific directory in which to execute. ScreamerNet is a perfect example of such a process. For ScreamerNet to properly locate support files--such as configuration files and images--it must be launched from the NewTek/Programs directory. However, it is entirely possible that your LScript will have begun execution in an entirely different location. The following code snippet, illustrating the use of chdir(), solves this particular situation:
    // change the "working" directory to one required by ScreamerNet

    var snDir;
    var oldDir;

    if((snDir = getenv("LW3D")) == nil) // is it (properly) in the environment?
        oldDir = chdir("\\windows\\apps\\newtek\\programs");
        oldDir = chdir(snDir);

    snID = spawn("lwsn -2 ",
                 getenv("TMP"),"\\snii.job ",

    chdir(olddir);      // move back to our start-up directory
If the chdir() function fails to set the working directory to the one specified, a value of nil will be returned.


mkdir() is another directory management function. With it, an LScript can create a new file system directory. It accepts a string specifying the directory (with optional path), and returns a result code (0 means no error).


rmdir() can be used to remove an existing directory. The directory to be removed must be completely empty for this command to succeed.

As with mkdir, this command accepts a string specifying the directory (with optional path) to be removed, and returns a result code.


cross3d() is used to calculate the cross product of two 3D vectors.


dot3d() is used to calculate the dot product of two 3D vectors.


cross2d() is used to calculate the cross product of two floating-point values.


dot2d() is used to calculate the dot product of two floating-point values.
Table of Contents Index
© 1996 Virtual Visions, Inc.
© 1997 NewTek, Inc.